Remember that, when making your payment, you will be redirected to a completely secure page. We have the Profeco distinctive seal that guarantees the security, veracity and transparency of our site.

For your convenience, you can choose to pay months without interest with participating cards and according to the purchase amount.

3, 6 or 9 MSI when purchasing $2,000

12 MSI when purchasing $20,000

15 MSI when purchasing $90,000

24 MSI when purchasing $100,000  

When entering the bank details, the available monthly payments will be displayed according to your payment method.

Jewelry that Captures Unique Moments and Unforgettable Emotions

At Klamore, we are passionate about being part of those unique and special moments that you treasure in life. Whether a gift for someone special or a self-gift to celebrate your achievements, our jewelry is designed to capture and reflect the uniqueness of every moment.

Join the Klamore experience and carry with you the magic of those unforgettable moments in each of our exquisite creations.

Do you have any questions? Or do you need us to advise you to choose the ideal piece?
